
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

In accordance with federal and 状态 regulations, 在线电子游戏网赌经济援助办公室需要在每个学期(秋季)结束时对学生的学业进展进行评估, 春天, 夏季), to determine financial aid eligibility for the following term. 满意的学业进展评估将包括所有入学期间,无论学生在入学期间是否获得经济资助,以及在其他机构获得的学分,并转移到学生在在线电子游戏网赌的学习计划中.

In order to be eligible for federal, 状态, and institutional aid, students must meet both quantitative (time-based) and qualitative (grade-based) standards.

Grade-Based Standard (GPA)

绩点: Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.

Time-Based Standard (PACE)

完成比例: Complete 67% percent of the total cumulative credit hours attempted. 例如, if a student has attempted 100 credits, the student must complete 67 credits to meet the completion rate requirement.

最大的时间: 在不超过公布课程长度150%的时间内完成符合条件的学习课程的要求. 例如, if an academic program length is 60 credit hours, the maximum credit hours that is eligible for financial aid is 90 (60 * 150% = 90). Students may only receive financial aid for two programs at 在线电子游戏网赌.

注意: Remedial coursework will be included in the time-based standard and is limited to 30 credit hours.

Treatment Of Selected Grades

提款/滴: 学生获得“W”或“WF”成绩的学分包括在尝试学时数中, but do not count toward successfully completed hours. Excessive withdrawals may affect your ability to meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

不完整: 学生获得“I”等级的学分包括在尝试学时数中, but do not count toward successfully completed hours. Grades of "I" are treated as a "F", which negatively affects GPA.

失败: Credit hours in which a student receives a grade of "F", "WF", "R" are included in the number of attempted hours, but do not count toward successfully completed hours. 除了, these grades negatively affect GPA. 成绩不及格的学生可能很难达到令人满意的学业进步标准.

Audit and Never Attend: An audit "AU" or never attended "NA" grade is not considered attempted coursework. It is not included in the students' GPA or completion rate evaluation. A student cannot receive financial aid for courses that he/she audits or never attends.

重复的课程: Per federal regulations, a student may repeat a previously passed course (grade of "D" or better) on additional time. Repeat courses are included in total attempted earned hours.

考试学分: 学生获得“CE”的学分包括在以时间为基础的完成率和最大时间框架标准的尝试和完成学时中. A student cannot receive financial aid for a "CE" credit.

转移信用: 所有从其他机构转学和接受的学时都包括在尝试和完成的学时数中. 除了, 学生获得经济援助的最长时间将被相应的学分转移到他/她的学位.


满意: Students who meet the minimum requirements (cumulative 2.0 GPA和67%完成率)令人满意的学术进步标准置于此状态.

警告: Students who do not meet the minimum requirements (cumulative 2.在学期结束时进行正式评估后,0 GPA和67%完成率的学生将在下一学期被置于警告级别. Students may continue to receive financial aid during the warning period.

悬架: Students on Warning status who fail to meet the minimum requirements (cumulative 2.GPA为0,完成率为67%)或连续两个学期未达到最低要求的学生将不再有资格获得经济援助.

最长时间范围: 已达到其学习计划所允许的最大学分的学生将被置于此状态. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at the College plus all applicable transfer credits are counted; whether or not the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence.

试用期: Students who have successfully appealed financial aid suspension are placed in Probation Status. Students in Probation Status are eligible to receive financial aid for one (1) semester, 之后,他们必须处于令人满意的状态和/或满足财务援助办公室确定的SAP上诉决议书中概述的要求.

终止: 处于试用期的学生如果不遵守成功计划,他/她将被终止经济援助. 在达到令人满意的最低学业进步标准之前,被解雇的学生不再有资格获得经济援助.

Regaining Eligibility For 在线电子游戏网赌

未能达到令人满意的学业进步标准的学生将立即没有资格获得经济援助. In order to regain financial aid eligibility, 学生必须达到在线电子游戏网赌“满意的学术进步标准”的最低要求,并自费报名参加课程.

有文件证明的学生在他们无法控制的情况下可以向财政援助办公室提出上诉. If the appeal is approved, financial aid eligibility will be rein状态d on a probationary status.

SAP Evaluations And Notifications Of 合格状态

返校学生从第一次入学开始持续接受评估,除非有减轻处罚的情况. 以前按照学业进步政策而不是现行学业进步政策入学的归国学生,在归国学期结束时必须达到现行政策的标准.


Appeals Of Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

未能达到令人满意的学业进步标准的学生有权向学生经济援助办公室提出上诉. 如果学生的上诉被批准,有书面证明的超出他们控制的情有可原的情况可能会恢复他们的经济援助.

A student may submit written documentation to the 在线电子游戏网赌 Office:

  1. Submit the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Request form
  2. 一份个人陈述,解释影响学业成绩的情况,以及哪些变化将使他/她在项目毕业前的合理时间内取得令人满意的学业进步.
  3. Supporting documentation must be presented.

Extenuating circumstances that may be considered include death in the family, 事故, 疾病, 军事部署, 或其他严重的个人问题,超出了学生的控制范围,可以由相关的第三方来源提供适当的文件支持.


Only complete appeal submissions, with documentation, will be evaluated by the 在线电子游戏网赌 Office. The decision is final. Depending on the circumstances, the student could be required to complete additional requirements (i.e., see a career counselor or another type of counselor, limit enrollment, etc.) before an appeal is granted. The goal is to help the student get back on track for graduation. 我们将仔细考虑学生是否有能力提高,以再次达到SAP标准并完成学生的学习计划. Appeals will be approved or denied. 上诉被批准的学生将在接下来的学期中处于试用状态,直到完全达到令人满意的学术进步标准. During probationary status, 所有条款, 条件, and any additional requirements of probation must be met, or the student will return to suspension. If an academic progress plan has been pre-approved by financial aid, continuing to meet the requirements of that plan will put the student back into good standing.